Dialogue - at the vet — Portuguese Lab

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Dialogue - at the vet

Topic: A dialogue at the veterinarian

This is an episode for intermediate learners.

In this episode you:

  • Listen to a dialogue at the vet. A woman takes her dog, Xico, to an appointment to receive a vaccine, but he is a little nervous and won’t stop growling.

  • Learn vocabulary related to being at the veterinarian.

Listen to the episode

Dialogue - at the vet
Portuguese Lab

The transcript of this episode is only available for members of the Portuguese Lab Academy.

— Xico! Deixa o gatinho em paz! Boa tarde. Desculpe, ele fica sempre um bocadinho agitado quando vem ao veterinário.
— Não se preocupe! Já estamos habituados ao barulho. Tem uma consulta marcada?
— Sim, é para levar as vacinas.
— Qual é o nome do cãozinho?
— Xico, com xis.