Speaking - your first conversation - o Carlos — Portuguese Lab

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Speaking - your first conversation - o Carlos

This short text for beginners summarizes a few must-know structures and vocabulary that you’ll need in your first conversations in Portuguese.

Watch the video of the story and practice these structures with the Q&A section after the story. This allows you to grow the different skills of the language; improve your listening and reading comprehensions and activate the vocabulary and grammar structures by speaking.

Note: there’s no English translation. This is not a text for complete beginners. You do need some basics to be able to understand the context. The goal of this content is to allow you to practice and improve your skills. If you feel you simply must know what a certain word means, I recommend using a dictionary.

Take the complete Jump-start course for beginners in the Portuguese Lab Academy.


Listen to the episode

Speaking - your first conversation - 2

Watch the video