Topic: Vocabulary you can use at the beach in Portugal.
Welcome to the first episode about the beach in Portugal. In this episode you will listen to vocabulary related to being at the beach.
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água (f, -s) - water
alga (f, -s) - seaweed
areia (f, -s) - sand
bandeira (f, -s) - flag
bandeira amarela (f, -s / -s) - yellow flag
bandeira azul (f, -s / -uis) - blue flag (environmental award)
bandeira verde (f, -s / -s) - green flag
bandeira vermelha (f, -s / -s) - red flag
barco (m, -s) - boat
bikini (m, -s) - bikini
bóia (f, -s) - safety buoy
bronzeado (m, -s) - tan
calções de banho (m, pl) - swimming trunks
caranguejo (m, -s) - crab
chapéu (m, -s) - hat
chapéu de sol (m, -s / -) - parasol
chinelo (m, -s) - flip-flops
concha (f, -s) - shell
corrente (f, -s) - current
costa (f, -s) - coast
escaldão (m, -ões) - sunburn
falésia (f, -s) - cliff
fato de banho (m, -s / -) - bathing suit
gaivota (f, -s) - seagull
gelado (m, -s) - ice-cream
horizonte (m, -s) - horizon
lapa (f, -s) - limpet
maré (f, -s) - tide
maré alta (maré cheia) (f, -s / -s) - high tide
maré baixa (f, -s / -s) - low tide
nadador-salvador (m, -es / -es) - lifeguard
mar (m, -es) - sea
oceano (m, -s) - ocean
onda (f, -s) - wave
passadiço (m, -s) - walkway
pássaro (m, -s) - bird
praia (f, -s) - beach
peixe (m, -s) - fish
peixe-aranha (m, -s / -s) - weever
poça (f, -s) - pool
polvo (m, -s) - octopus
protetor solar (m, -es / -es) - sunscreen
pulga-do-mar (f, -s / -) - sand hopper
rocha (f, -s) - rock
sal (m, -ais) - salt
sol (m, -óis) - sun
sombra (f, -s) - shadow
toalha (f, -s) - towel
apanhar um escaldão - to get a sunburn
apanhar uma onda - to catch a wave
boiar - to float
bronzear-se - to get a tan
dar um mergulho - to take a dive
deitar-se ao sol - to lay in the sun
deitar-se na toalha - to lay on the towel
estar ao sol - to be in the sun
ir à água - to go to the water
mergulhar - to dive
meter protetor solar - to put sunscreen on
molhar os pés - to wet the feet
nadar - to swim
sair da água - to get out of the water
secar na toalha - to dry on the towel
tomar banho - to bade, take a bath